Refined Taste 磅礡,引風雅



於此案 88坪、二個樓層的空間規劃,林峰安總監將樓下客廳挑高二個樓層規劃,並於天花中央設計玫瑰花朵的綻放線條,對應遠眺戶外遠處的山景景況,寓意男主人對女主人無私且輕柔的情感投射與無私關懷、構成整個家庭的情感來源。

空間坪數| 88坪








箭頭挑高客廳設計,利用大面積的天然石材貫穿上下樓層的挑高尺度。 箭頭以木作、鐵件、鏡面、金屬、燈光等異材質做比例上的搭接。 箭頭開放式餐廳規劃,連續主牆開放的展示機能與一旁書房相聯繫,無形中放大空間感受。

For the space planning of this project that encompassed 88 pings and two stories, Director Lin Fengan crafted a living room with two-floor high ceiling, in the center of which curves of blooming roses were designed to correspond to the outdoors mountain scenery in the distance. It implies the host's selfless and gentle affections and selfless care towards the hostess and constitutes the source of emotion for the entire family.

Rational and emotional harmony

It was the third cooperation between Director Lin Fengan and the couple. With previous satisfying experience, he minutely rendered the successful host's protection and tolerance for home in the space through his design.

The building itself overlooks the mountains and enjoys an open field of vision. The design also introduced natural landscapes, through the high scale, into the space, which enriches the variations of indoor scenes and also gives the residence a refined atmosphere. At the entrance, the hand-made copper carving art in shape of ruyi, the oriental symbol of wealth and prosperity, creates the first impression of entry! For the high-rise living room, large-scale natural stone slabs were paved throughout the upper and lower floors and overlapped in proportion with different materials such as wood, iron, mirror, metal, and light on the left and right sides, echoing the magnificence of the spacious and bright living room crossed through, connected and contrasted by black lines, which implies the male owner's close guard and care for the family.

The ratio of elegance and light luxury style

The open-plan dining room behind the sofa extends the open display function of the main wall and connects to the study on the side, which enlarges invisibly the sense of the space and increases the emotional interaction between family members. Through the coating of dark materials, it creates a calm and grand dining experience and reading impression.

To exhibit the large scale of the space, Director Lin Fengan used the perfect proportion of different materials in the overlapping to serve as the defining factor between open areas, reaffirming the sense of space in an open and low-limit way while concealing the function and circulation in the space. At each turn or spontaneity, it gives comfortable warmth and maintains the best visual harmony and the highest magnificence in the space. In the planning of private spaces, the difference of areas was realized by the extension of the interface, thereby reducing unnecessary spatial lines, drawing a balance of function, beauty and scale, exposing the personality of the occupants, and responding to magnificent, interactive, open, light extravagant life time.

箭頭私密空間規劃以介面的關係延伸來轉換區域的雙化,藉此減低不必要的空間線條。 箭頭機能、美感、尺度的平衡,揭譯居住者個性。 箭頭 以開放、低限的方式重申空間感,同時將機能、動線隱藏於空間之中。 箭頭 舒適的溫度,維持空間中最佳的視覺協調美、最佳的大器度。